New team member
We welcome Anne Marie Elenbaas to our lab!
Continue readingNew publication: Using CLEM to study endo-lysosomal regulators
In a new publication in the Journal of Cell Biology, Jan van der Beek et al. use Correlative Light-Electron Microscopy (CLEM) to study key proteins of the endo-lysosomal system. Rab5, Rab7, APPL1 and EEA1 mark distinct populations of endosomes. However, the ultrastructural features of these subpopulations have been difficult to elucidate since classic immunolabeling with gold particles fails to detect the identifying proteins. Optimization of a CLEM protocol on sections was able to overcome this limitation, successfully linking Rab5, Rab7, APPL1 and EEA1 to ultrastructural characteristics. Surprisingly, EEA1 labels a subset of endosomes with late-stage morphology, considerably broadening the distribution of this protein in the endo-lysosomal system.
Jan van der Beek, Cecilia de Heus, Nalan Liv, and Judith Klumperman. 2022. “Quantitative Correlative Microscopy Reveals the Ultrastructural Distribution of Endogenous Endosomal Proteins.” The Journal of Cell Biology 221(1).
New team members
We welcome Diana Hanssen, Valentina Gomez and Matteo Tantucci to our lab!
Continue readingNew Publication
New collaborative paper with the group of Roos Masereeuw is published in EMBO Molecular Medicine.
New vacancies
We are looking for a new postdoc and PhD student to join our team! See tab jobs/vacancies
Congratulations to Wienand Omta!
On 14 October Wienand successfully defended his thesis ‘Knowledge Discovery in High Content Screening’. Promotores & co-promotores: Prof. dr. Judith Klumperman, Prof. dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper and dr. Marco Spruit. The research of this thesis is for a large part commercialized in the company Core Life Analytics, which Wienand founded in 2016 together with CEO David Egan.